General Terms and Conditions

Last change: March 15, 2021


Welcome to (“Website” or “Website”), which is owned and managed by SIMPLESTAY Ltd. and is available worldwide.

By using this website you guarantee that you are at least 18 years old and agree to these general terms of use of the website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website and in case you have any questions, please contact us at

SIMPLESTAY Ltd. is a company that assists students find housing in the Netherlands and also helps them with their initial integration in the country (the “help”consists of sharing general information about registration procedures upon arrival, how to open a bank account, best use of transportation services, places to visit, information on student housing, student life and any other information that might be requested from the clients regarding their stay in the Netherlands which is in our knowledge and is legally allowed to be shared). SimpleStay does not own any property nor has any kind of legal agreement with private landlords to represent, in any commercial way, them and  their properties. All the properties that SimpleStay offers to its clients are found by its employees only and after an assignment and criteria have been received from the clients. The assignment is received and count as an official agreement of service, only after the client has gone through the complete registration procedure on the website, has paid for the services and has read and agreed with the “General Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy Policy”.

In helping students find accommodation in the Netherlands, SIMPLESTAY Ltd. acts as a mediator between the students/clients and the rental agencies, landlords and owners leading to the formation of the Agreement between them with the purpose and goal of renting a room/apartment/house. Simplestay is explicitly not part of the Agreement which is established when the student signs a rental contract with the renter. SIMPLESTAY Ltd. shall not be held responsible, if any damages, fraud or inconsistency occur before, during or after the contract is being signed by the two parties mentioned above (namely the landlords/housing agencies and the clients/students).

If you do not agree to any of the terms contained in these general conditions You must not use this website .


2.1 These General Terms and Conditions are prepared and intended to regulate the relations between SIMPLESTAY Ltd., registered in the Commercial Register of Bulgaria at Registry Agency with UIC/PIC: 205427517, with registered office and address of management in Plovdiv, 3 Evlogi Georgiev Str., 2nd floor, office 3, email:, hereinafter referred to as “Provider”, and The users of the website, hereinafter referred to as “User (s)” in connection with the use of the website. The other documents settle the relationship between the Provider and the Users in connection with the use of the website are the Privacy Policy and the Privacy Policy Cookies.

2.2 These General Terms and Conditions enter into force from the moment the User uses the website for the first time. The General Terms and Conditions apply to each visit and use of the website and have effect until you stop using the website. The User undertakes to use the website and all content of the website lawfully, in accordance with the conditions set out in these General Conditions and according to its purpose.


3.1 For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions:

a / The supplier is SIMPLESTAY Ltd.

b / User (s) is / are:

– visitors to the website;

– the person who has purchased services from the Supplier.

3.2 These General Terms and Conditions provide information to Users regarding:

– The identification of the Provider;

– The subject of the General Terms and Conditions;

– The characteristics of the website;

– Way to order services;

– Prices and payment methods;

– Delivery of purchased services;

– Refund for services;

– Force majeure circumstances;

– Rights and obligations of the Users;

– Rights and obligations of the Provider;

– Processing of personal data;

– Discharge;

– Links to third party sites;

– Intellectual property rights;

– Final provisions.


4.1 Data for the Provider

Name of the Supplier: SIMPLESTAY Ltd.

Headquarters and address of management: Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 3 Evlogi Georgiev Str., 2nd floor, office 3.

Correspondence data : e-mail:

Data for entry in a commercial and other public register: SIMPLESTAY Ltd. is a company registered in the Bulgarian Commercial Register at the Registry Agency with UIC: 205427517.

4.2 Data on supervisory authorities

Commission for Personal Data Protection

Address: Sofia, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2,

tel .: 02 / 91-53-519

fax: 02 / 91-53-525



Consumer Protection Commission

Address: 1000 Sofia, 4A Slaveykov Square, 3rd floor, 4th and 6th,

tel .: 02/933 0565

fax: 02/988 42 18

hotline: 0700 111 22




5.1 The Provider has created the website, which contains a detailed information about the services offered by the Supplier to the Users.

5.2 The Provider provides and the User undertakes to use the website

in accordance with the conditions described in these General Terms and Conditions.

5.3 In its professional activity, the Provider guarantees in full the rights of the Users provided by law, as an additional correction of its activities are namely: good faith, as well as consumer and trade criteria established as good practices.


6.1 The Website provides information about the services offered by SIMPLESTAY Ltd. and also has information and payment details about ordering the services for Housing and Integration Assistance offered by the Provider.

6.2 The website includes comprehensive information on:

– All types of services that the Supplier offers to the Users;

– Information for contacting the Provider.

6.3 Services provided

Within the website, Users have the opportunity to use the following services, namely:

view the content of the website;

to carry out purchase of the services offered by the Supplier from distance using the payment information provided by the supplier;

6.4 The provider offers for sale at a distance those services specified in the SIGN UP page of the website


7.1 Orders in the e-shop are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days during the week.

7.2 In order to place an order for Housing and Integration Assistance, the User need to click on the “SIGN UP” button in the menu to go to the product/service page. Then the User need to click on the “SIGN UP” underneath the price of the service for Housing and Integration Assistance. The page refreshes and the User sees the updated cart with the service added to it. The User needs to click on “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT”. The page refreshes and the Users have to fill in their First name, Last name, Country, Street address, Town / City, Postcode, Phone, Parent’s Phone, Email address, Parent’s Email address. Underneath this section, the User will have to fill in additional information regarding their City of study, University, Study programme, Arrival date (optional), Max. Rent, drop a dropdown menu with price ranges, Max Deposit, from a dropdown menu, LIving arrangements about potentially sharing accommodation with other clients of SIMPLESTAY Ltd., How the User found out about the Provider, Order notes (optional). The only payment method is Bank Transfer. After agreeing with the Terms and Conditions and clicking on “PLACE ORDER”.

7.3 The Provider confirms the acceptance of the order by sending an email to the User. The email contains information about the order, order number and bank transfer payment instructions with payment details to finalize the service order. Sent by email Confirmation of an order is considered the conclusion of a contract of sale of services from a distance. The confirmation sent by the Provider to the User is considered that it enters into force when it was sent to the email address provided by The User, regardless of the fact that the sent email has not reached the User.

7.4 The Supplier has the right to cancel orders for which it has reason to believe that they contain incorrect data. The Provider notifies the User of the missing ones data or for incorrect data and in case it does not receive within 36 hours complete or correct data, the Supplier cancels the order due to impossibility to be implemented.


8.1 Prices of services offered for sale in the website of the Supplier are indicated in Euros. The indicated prices are for an individual order of the services for Housing and Integration Assistance.

8.2 Payments for ordered service can be made only by Bank Transfer

8.3 The User pays in advance to the Supplier the full price of the ordered service.


9.1 The Supplier delivers the services ordered by the User entirely online and worldwide.

9.2 Official Housing Offer: Having the client’s criteria and preferences in mind, we do our utmost to find our clients their new student home in the Netherlands. Upon availability, and once you’ve signed up for our services, you can expect your housing offer at any moment. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the official time frame for that is 1 July – 15 August.

Once the offer is received, the client has 2 options:
1. To accept the offer and to move on to signing a contract with the landlord/agency.
2. To decline the offer and stop our housing search. An additional fee of 100 EUR applies in case the client declines the offer received and requests another offer instead. In this scenario, the rest of the students on the House list for the given city will receive their offer first. Only then, will we move on to send additional offers, as requested and paid for.


10.1 Users can ask for a full refund, at any time, before they have received their house offer on their personal emails that were presented during their registration for the services on our website: Once the offer for an accommodation has been sent, the client is obliged to accept or refuse it, within 24 hours after receiving the email, and there will be no refund afterwards unless the room has been rented out to another tenant or the lessor has declined his offer of the accommodation, in that 24-hour window period, after receiving the offer.


11.1 The Provider is not liable to the User for full or partial non – performance, including delay of the services provided due to “force majeure” (force majeure). “Force majeure” (force majeure) means a circumstance (event) from extraordinary nature, which arose after the conclusion of the contract, could not to be foreseen and does not depend on the will of the parties such as: fire, production accidents, military actions, natural disasters – storms, torrential rains, floods, hail, earthquakes, icing, drought, landslides and others. natural disasters, embargoes, government bans, pandemics, strikes, riots, etc.

11.2 In case the Provider is unable to fulfill the obligations due to a force majeure circumstance, the Provider is obliged in 10 days to notify the User in writing of its occurrence, as well as the presumed period of validity and termination of force majeure circumstance.


12.1 The User undertakes to use the website and its functionalities lawfully and in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.

12.2 The User has the right to view the content of the website.

12.3 The User has the right to contact the Provider of the present website.

12.4 The User has the right to purchase the services offered by the Supplier and to obtain information regarding the payment of these services through bank transfer

12.5 The user is not allowed to post content under any form (image, text, etc.) that is vulgar, threatening, derogatory, obscene or violates good morals in society.

12.6 The user is not entitled to post content that is in violation of legal provisions.

12.7 The User has no right to modify, copy, change, duplicate, create derivative or customized, separate or complete parts of the website.

12.8 The User is not entitled to provide to third parties in any way and in any form, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, whatever content, information, know-how or technology that is partially extracted or in full from the website.

12.9 The user has no right to publish, send or formulate computer viruses or the like.

12.10 The User has no right to deactivate and / or upset the complete or partial functionality of the website as well as the services offered on website.

12.11 The user is not allowed to generate excessive traffic on the website or overload the website traffic.

12.12 The user has no right to disrupt the operation of networks or servers that are related to the services and also have no right to interfere with the provision of services.

12.13 The user has no right to try to gain unauthorized access to any part of the website or to servers maintained and owned by Supplier.

12.14 The User is not entitled to use the trademark of the Provider. The user is responsible for all actions performed by him in connection with use of the website.

12.15 The user is not allowed to send “spam”, “junk mail”, “chain letter” or any unsolicited commercial communications.


13.1 The Provider has the right to make changes to the website at any time judgment, without obligation to notify and without liability.

13.2 The Provider has the right at any time to update, change, expand, add, supplement or remove goods and / or services on the website.

13.3 The Provider has the right to make changes to its description at any time as well as the prices of the services offered for sale on the website.

13.4 The Provider has the right to suspend, refuse or terminate the provision of a service in case of violation and / or suspicion of violation of these General Terms and Conditions or in case of unfair conduct and / or suspicion of unfair behavior of the User.

13.5 After receiving the payment, the Provider undertakes to provide the services ordered by the User.


14.1 The Provider collects and processes personal data of the Users by applying all standards for personal data protection according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on protection to individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and concerning the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC.

The Provider respects the privacy of the Users and applies all necessary efforts to protect their personal data against unlawful processing by applying technical and organizational measures for

protection of personal data, which measures are fully compliant with modern ones technological advances and provide a level of protection that corresponds to the risks associated with the processing and the nature of the data to be processed be protected. Detailed information about what personal data it processes The provider, the purposes of the processing of personal data, the retention period of personal data, as well as other information in execution of the requirements of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 is available in the Policy for privacy, which is published on the website of the Provider.


15.1 The Provider makes no warranties in any way that the Website and the services offered on it will be available at any time and from anywhere on the world. The provider does not guarantee that the website will remain unchanged and will maintained indefinitely.

15.2 The information on this website may contain errors or malfunctions, although that The supplier strives to keep the information as current as possible. The Provider does what is necessary to provide the Users continuous access to the website, and also maintains the website and services with the care of a good trader in order to serve in good faith Users. The provider has the right to make changes and improvements in this website at any time without notice. The provider is not responsible for damages and losses incurred by Users as a result of using this website site and the information from this website.

15.3 The responsibility for the use of this website is entirely for the User, such as operating in it and using its capabilities. The supplier does not assume liability for possible damages and adverse consequences in connection with the use of this website, including in case of material damage to the respective technical device of the User.

15.4 The Provider is not responsible for actions performed by Users in violation of these General Terms and Conditions. The provider is not responsible for damages caused by a false, misleading, inaccurate information from Users of the website. 

15.5 The Supplier shall not be liable for damages caused as a result of user error, computer virus, omission, interruption or problem in the system itself, maintaining the integrity and structure of this website.

15.6 The Provider does not guarantee that the content published on the website will meets the expectations of the Users.

15.7 The images published on the website are of high quality, in order Users to get the most accurate idea of ​​the type and the quality of the goods. However, it is quite possible that there is a discrepancy between the actual colors and those displayed on the individual monitor User, which depends on the type of monitor and computer configuration of The User as well as his visual perceptions and the Provider are disclaims that the colors displayed on the monitor correspond to the actual.


16.1 The Supplier shall adhere to the highest possible standards for servicing the Users and their interests.

16.2 In connection with paragraph 1 of this Article, disputes concerning an online purchase will be settled according to the European platform for online dispute resolution, which is located on the following website, and namely:

16.3 The online dispute resolution platform aims to find a solution of disputes concerning online purchases without going to court, such as at the same time, to help maintain good relationship and communication between the Provider and the User for the future.

16.4 In the online dispute resolution platform only independent authorities will help resolve any disputes that authorities have approved on the basis of quality standards in terms of accessibility, fairness and efficiency.

16.5 The dispute may also be referred to the Conciliation Commissions of Consumer Protection Commission, which conciliation commissions are Alternative Dispute Resolution Authority.


17.1 The Provider’s website contains links to websites, supported by third parties (“Third Party Sites”), such as the “Facebook” button and Instagram button. All third party sites that may be accessible through this website are independent and the Provider does not assume any liability for damages and losses incurred by Users as a result of the use of these sites. The provider is not responsible for the content in third party sites, as well as the presence of viruses and / or others harmful components of these sites.


18.1 All content on the Website, including but not limited to all published texts, computer programs, databases, photos, commercial brands, and any information that is uploaded to the site is exclusive owned by the Provider.

18.2 The content of the Provider’s website may be used by Users for personal, non – commercial use and only for the purposes of proper use of website, from anywhere in the world.

18.3 The use of all content on the website described in the first paragraph of this provision for commercial purposes, in any form (copying, modify, download, sell, reproduce, distribute, publication, etc.) is absolutely forbidden. Users take over the whole liability for the use of the content of the site in violation of the rights of The provider, the latter is entitled to full compensation for the damages caused by the User.

18.4 Access to the Website and to the services provided on the Website shall not be permitted to consider and interpret as a grant of licenses or intellectual property rights.

18.5 The reproduction of the content of the website or part of it is performed only with the written consent of the Provider.

18.6 Extracting information from resources from the database located on the Provider’s website/servers and subsequent creation of its own database by the User in electronic or other form will be considered a violation.


19.1 All messages and notifications between the Provider and the User are carried out in both Bulgarian and English and will be considered validly performed if they are sent in writing.

19.2 The possible invalidity of any of the provisions of these The General Terms and Conditions will not invalidate the General Terms and Conditions as a whole.

19.3 For all issues not regulated in these General Terms and Conditions apply the provisions of current legislation.

19.4 All disputes between the Provider and the User will be settled in mutual agreement through negotiation between the parties. In case of disagreement, the dispute will be settled according to the european online resolution platform for disputes ( or by the conciliation commissions of the Consumer Protection Commission, which conciliation commissions are a body for alternative dispute resolution or by the competent court.

19.5 The Provider has the right to update by amending the current ones General conditions at any time in the future. When this happens, the General changes Terms will be posted on this website with a new “Last Modified” date in top and will be effective from the date of publication. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically check these Terms and Conditions to make sure you are aware of any changes. Using the website after the publication of the updated General Terms and Conditions, you will be deemed to agree with the changes made.

19.6 In case you have additional questions about these General Terms and Conditions, please do not hesitate to contact the Provider at